Project Progress Update #2

While I have been keeping up with readings, I have fallen behind in working on my project and assignments. I am trying to push myself harder to catch up to finish this course on time. I had an unexpectedly exhausting day, so I didn’t get as much work done on my project as I had previously planned. Still, I changed all the titles of my items into English. I updated the descriptions and artists on 9 out of 15 items. Many murals only have German sources, so I had to translate all their information. I will finish the rest tomorrow.

I started compiling biographies for Walter Womacka, Michael Fischer, Ronald Paris, Elisabeth Shaw, and Reinhard Dietrich. I transcribed and translated Womacka’s WDR interview. It is difficult to put together a good biography for Womacka. His heirs are full of praise for him, and he was full of praise for the GDR until the end of his life. I will link to the oral history interview so people can hear his life story and views, but I don’t want his political opinions to be the focus of his biography. Political opinions will be an essential part of Elisabeth Shaw’s biography since she and her husband were defectors from the West.

I will write up all the biographies in Word and then paste them into Exhibit Builder. I am afraid of losing everything. I panicked terribly when all of my items were suddenly inaccessible one day. It turned out the YouTube Importer plugin was the culprit, according to the error log. Uninstalling the plugin solved the problem, but I was so worried that I lost all my content. I don’t want that to happen again.

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